Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

"Wie man ein Künstler ist" - ein Manifest von Joseph Beuys

Mondnacht, 70 x 100 cm, Mischtechnik/Collage, KBOTHA 2008

Wie man ein Künstler ist
Lass dich fallen.
Lerne Schnecken zu beobachten.
Pflanze unmögliche Gärten.
Lade jemand Gefährlichen zum Tee ein.
Mache kleine Zeichen, die "Ja" sagen
und verteile sie überall in deinem Haus.
Werde ein Freund von Freiheit und Unsicherheit.
Freue dich auf Träume.
Weine bei Kinofilmen.
Schaukel so hoch du kannst mit einer Schaukel bei Mondlicht.

Pflege verschiedene Stimmungen.
Verweigere "verantwortlich" zu sein. Tu es aus Liebe.
Mach viele Nickerchen.
Gib Geld weiter. Tu es jetzt. Das Geld wird folgen.
Glaube an Zauberei.
Lache viel.

Tarot-Karte 18 - der Mond.
Zeichentusche und Aquarellfarben
 KBOTHA 2002

Bade im Mondlicht.

Träume wilde, phantasievolle Träume.
Zeichne auf die Wände.
Lies jeden Tag.
Stell dir vor, du wärst verzaubert.
Kichere mit Kindern.
Höre alten Leuten zu.
Öffne dich, tauche ein, sei frei.
Segne dich selbst.
Lass die Angst fallen.
Spiele mit allem.
Unterhalte das Kind in dir.
Du bist unschuldig.
Baue eine Burg aus Decken.
Werde nass.
Umarme Bäume.
Schreibe Liebesbriefe.


Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013

"Life is short, live your dream and share your passion!"

Dank @Janna, Part 2: Dieses Fundstück auf my-insidestory:

"This is your life. Do what you love and do it often. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Life is simple. Open your heart, mind and arms to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating. Life is short, live your dream and share your passion." 


"Adding up spirit and heart to the atmosphere"

Herzlichen Dank an meine Freundin und Nachbarin Janna, die diesen netten Artikel über meine Arbeit auf ihrer Seite My-IN:SIDE STORY veröffentlichte. :-) 

ART by Kristina Botha

By Janna Tirronen

Binding the colors, textures and materials to the room is part one. Adding up the spirit and heart to the atmosphere comes from pictures, memories and art.
Touchy art is hard to find and everybody has their own preferences for sure. 

I was lucky to find an artist who's modern way of seeing the world and fantastic way of combining the rainbow of multiple colors on canvas touched me. 
Superb color combinations, more fine pieces and inspirations you can find at:

Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2013

What do colors represent to us and how do they work?

Something new, 50 x 70 cm,
 Acrylic/mixed on canvas,
By Janna Tirronen, Interior Designer

What are colors and how do they actually manifest? Sunlight - the white light - is the mother of all the light and color in our world. It lights all the matter in the world, each tiny cripple and hole where it possible can have access to. The white light consists of the spectrum of all the rainbow colors and is just reflected differently depending on the surface and abilities of the object it hits.  Color manifests from items, according to it's absorbing abilities. For example what we see as color green is actually created when white light hits a surface of an object and the only color this item can not absorbe from the color spectrum is - green! 

We all like colors, some we like especially much and some not really. What colors do we know, and what do colors represent?
Primary colors: red, blue, yellow
Secondary colors: (combination of two primary colors) orange, violet, green
Complementary colors: are also called "clashing colors" as they are situated exactly opposite of eachother on the color-wheel. For example green is on the opposite side of red. Yellow on the other side of purple and blue on the other side of orange. (In the fine Arts complementary contrasts are the most important so called quality-contrasts, because a complementary contrast is able to satisfy the eye of the recipient immediatly. The secret of a good artist is to choose the color a bit next to the complementary color, for example: deep orange with lilacs instead of yellow, light blue with orange instead of indigo with orange - just have a look at the color-wheel to proof it :-) Anmerkung KBOTHA) 
Harmonizing colors: appear next to eachother in the color-wheel. Harmonizing colors work well together but if too close they can appear washed out or not having enough contrast. A harmonizing trio would be something like: blue, light blue and cyan or maybe red, orange and yellow.
Color-triangle: Imagine to draw a color triangle on the color-wheel, all the three colors of the triangle will match together - perfectly. For example; red, blue and yellow and green, purple and orange. This you can apply when searching matching colors, for example, for your clothing or interior. All the colors match with basic white, black or gray. (Light-dark-contrast = gives a dramatic effect, Anm. KB) How do colors effect on us?
Green: inspiring color
Blue: soothing color
Light Pink and Rose: relaxing and calming colors
Red, Yellow and Orange: are agitating colors, colors of activity and they also trigger hunger. For this reason you can find many restaurants painted in red.What is your favorite color?

(Text: Janna Tirronen, siehe -->>

Sonntag, 17. November 2013


Ansichten einer Schale...
Schale, (/) 15 cm, gedreht, mit Steinzeugglasur, gebrannt bei 1250 Grad Celsius, KBOTHA 2013
Schale, (/) 15 cm, gedreht, mit Steinzeugglasur, gebrannt bei 1250 Grad Celsius, KBOTHA 2013
Schale, (/) 15 cm, gedreht, mit Steinzeugglasur, gebrannt bei 1250 Grad Celsius, KBOTHA 2013
Seitenansicht 1
Schale, (/) 15 cm, gedreht, mit Steinzeugglasur, gebrannt bei 1250 Grad Celsius, KBOTHA 2013
Seitenansicht 2
Schale, (/) 15 cm, gedreht, mit Steinzeugglasur, gebrannt bei 1250 Grad Celsius, KBOTHA 2013
Seitenansicht 3

Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

KBOTHA in Ines Röslers Kerzen-Werkstatt

Keramik, Malerei und Postkarten von KBOTHA im Fenster der KERZEN-WERKSTATT
 Bellealliancestr. 32, 20259 Hamburg. 
Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag - Freitag 10.00 - 12.00 & 15.00 - 18.30 Uhr,
Samstag 11.00 - 16.00 Uhr
 Originalkunst zu moderaten Preisen:
 Schalen, Schüsseln, Tassen, Kerzenständer...
 ...Skulpturen, Postkarten, Weihnachtskarten...
 ...und natürlich auch Malerei!
 eine ganze Menge...
 ...von "Tinas Kram" :-)
 für wenig Geld.
Alle Fotos: (c) KBOTHA 2013

Montag, 26. August 2013

Impressionen von der Finissage

Arbeiten von W. Botha und KBOTHA 2013
im Kulturhaus Eppendorf
KBOTHA vor Arbeiten auf Papier
Installation von W. Botha

Malerei von W. Botha
 Alle Fotos: KBOTHA 2013

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Finissage der Ausstellung FAMILY WORK am Pfingstmontag, 20. Mai 2013


FAMILY WORK – Malerei von W. Botha und KBOTHA

Pfingstmontag, 20. Mai 2013

 von 13 bis 16 Uhr im

Julius-Reincke-Stieg 13 a (vormals Martinistr. 40), 20251 Hamburg
Die Ausstellung zeigt Malerei und Grafik von W. Botha und Kristina Botha.
ine spannende Gegenüberstellung zweier Arbeitsweisen.

Samstag, 11. Mai 2013


Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013

 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
 Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013
Foto: (c) KBOTHA 2013